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How to Burn Calories Fast ! 12 fun ways to boost your metabolism

12 fun ways to burn calories fast
Think you burning calories and losing weight can not be fun?
The truth is that burning calories should be fun .
If it is not funny, or at least a little, well, who does?
There are so many ways to burn calories fast and fun.
Of course , you probably have your own unique idea of ​​fun.
So here are some ideas you can use as a platform to help you create your own fun ways to burn calories!
1) Clean and DE -clutter your living room or kitchen for TV - Take a cloth or vacuum cleaner and get to work . Kitchen counters are clean and happy !
Remember that each commercial break lasts about 2-3 minutes. You can get some done at this time and get the beating of your heart rate if you shake !
You can take a clean kitchen and a slender waist.
2) Challenge - If you already have a clean house or cleaning does not sound fun ..... then instead of cleaning during commercials, why not see how many crunches you can do during a commercial break . Test yourself and your family and enjoy a friendly competition results .
My husband participates tirelessly with me every day and the calorie intake and daily steps and other physical challenges.
It is very curious how my husband " " additional activity beat " me and more calories burned.
I think I burned more calories laughing at his antics - and of course still beats my calorie intake .
This is a "friendly " competition and what makes me always do more than you otherwise.
Yourself or another family member will challenge your calories burned intensify any activity you choose!
3) Walking the dog (or children) - a little sun and fresh air is good for everyone!
4) Be sure to walk or run. If you like the outdoors , going out every day and go for a walk . If you prefer to work inside - you can power walk in the comfort of your home and burn calories with my favorite indoor walking workout .
A power walk is a hybrid of walking and running.
You can also toggle between walking and power walking burn more calories.
My favorite exercise is to walk it . Walking is great and will help you burn calories faster !
5 ) beats per minute. Like the music? There are MP3 , albums and even podcasts specifically designed to motivate during your workout. Choose your BPM and funky rhythm work . Music is a great motivator to help you move more and burn those calories!
6) Raise the bar. Has reached 10,000 still a goal for the day? If this is the case , to raise the bar . Try to 11,000 steps per day. Hold for four weeks, then raise the bar again.
7) Turn off the TV and turn on the music. Clean the house on it. Do the tasks in it. Cook a delicious healthy and nutritious food to her . And move your body.
It's easy and fun to move more and burn more calories when you have good happy music in the background.
8) Learn a new sport or activity . Make a list of things you want to learn or try for the first time . For example , skydiving , rock climbing or learning to ballroom dance .
To try new activities, " muscle confusion ," which is just another way of saying that when you change your exercise routine and challenge new muscles with different types of activities, helps burn more calories occurs .
In addition , it will help you avoid boredom away. Keep your workouts interesting often try new things .
9) Ditch the car and motorbike. You have errands to run ?
Get a basket on your bike and ride to the store or post office instead of driving .
And please do not forget to protect your beautiful head with a helmet.
10) video games. More game now centers offer scrimmages . You can box , play tennis, dance or skinny .
11) Play like you used to when you were a child. Remember the fun you used to have when you were a child?
Get in touch with your inner child and join a local sports team such as baseball, or organize a party with friends.
Or go to the local play area and play in bars , swings and slide !
Take pictures so you can see the joy on his face.
Who says you have to be all mature and grown up all the time?
It can act like a kid again !
And burn calories fast - like children ! Experience the pure joy of play!
12) Social Activity . Instead of going to the movies with friends or at the bar - instead , why do not you go bowling , roller skating, or dancing ?
Have fun and get calories burned each day starts with your imagination.
Make a list of ideas and when you feel you motivated, take a look at this list and get to work .
What is satisfied? I share your thoughts in the comments below - I'll be happy to read them!
So ... now you know plenty of ways to burn calories fast , why not see exactly how many calories you burn each day with my personal favorite fitness tracker - Fit body means

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