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New ways to burn calories without exercise

Go to the gym to burn calories can be very stressful at the same time . The good news is that there are other fun and interesting ways to burn calories without working . This article will teach you new ways to do it . burn calories
1) Standing often do you burn calories. There are many moments in our lives where we expect , as in the lines of the clinic, bank, airport and other medical home theater . Instead feel you expect, you should stand as this will make you burn more calories thirty-six of sixty minutes. It may be small , but a few times up in a day, this amount can be doubled and lose weight without trying so hard.
burn calories
2) Wash your are one of the best ways to burn calories while you bring the brightness of her car. Instead of taking your car to the car wash , why not do it yourself with your hands to burn calories. You can actually burn around three hundred calories per hour , depending on the size of your car and the energy used in cleaning. Wash your car is the same as performing light exercises in the gym and running. Wash your car out is fun and fresh water because you get to touch and feel.
New ways
To make this activity more enjoyable , invite your children to wash your car with you .
3) Play with your children that involve physical movements can also help you lose weight. Instead of playing video games or watch TV with them, you can dance or jump rope with them to lose 150 calories every 10 minutes of playing tag or capture. These activities not only lose weight, but you would be able to bond with your children and maintain a good relationship with them . New ways}}} According to studies , video games and television also have a negative impact on children .
burn calories
4 ) Sleep at least eight hours a night is one of the expansion means to burn calories. According to numerous studies, people who sleep less than eight hours are larger. The body needs sleep to rebuild muscle mass and burn fat even when you are asleep .
New ways
5) While you sleep , use less blankets and lowering the thermostat in your home. This will make your body requires more energy to keep warm and help burn more calories.
6) Laughter is also one of the ways to burn calories. If you watch a comedy , which burns 20 % more calories than when you see a drama. Other ways to laugh go to a stand -up comedy or storytelling and humorous stories .
New ways
7) Eat a lot of ice water as it has to burn calories when the body cold water at normal temperature warms. If you drink eight glasses or cups of ice water every day, will burn calories seventies .
8) When you worry , you burn calories. More calories chewing gum, scribble, drum your fingers and tap your toes burn .
New ways
9) When you go to the office or school, walking instead of driving your car. During the lunch break I walk in the nearby park. You can also walk and play with their children in the patio area . If you walk briskly for fifteen minutes, nearly a hundred calories burned.
If you are working to be boring and tedious, you can try these ways to burn calories in order to have fun and get a great body.
New ways

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