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5 easy ways to take a walk every day and really enjoy it !

Almost everyone already knows that walking is good for you. enjoy
And the best training cycle is the person you love . (Otherwise , you will not do, right ? )
The best training is to walk where you forget you 're exercising (and make one of the best things you can do for your health ) and just enjoy your body moving !
But if you make a habit of walking, you may need a strategy (or perhaps more than one) to get out the door to go on your walk every day .
Let's face it, there are days when we feel like we're too busy to exercise. But there are ways to ensure you find the time - you can do it !
It will be much easier to find the time to walk every day if:
Pick a time .
One way that many people on the right path in your walking program does not have a regular time to do their work.
If you take the approach that will do the walk "every time" you have a little free time, or whenever you want, then there is a good chance that you will never make the door. Sometimes , "provided that" all never comes.
Run a priority by adding it to your schedule.
Most hikers find that choosing a specific time of day helps keep the plan. Note that need not be the same time every day , just on a regular basis. For example, you may decide to walk during lunch on Monday, Wednesday and Friday , walking after dinner on Tuesdays and Thursdays , and walk right after breakfast on the weekend .
Adjust your schedule in a way that makes the most sense for you. Put on your walking list " to do" and then do it - you will be so glad you did !
Find a friend .
Sometimes it's easy to spend a day or two or more of walking if you are the only person who has to face the consequences of jumping.
But if you have a walking partner based on that society ( and mutual support ) , you may find it more difficult to go through a scheduled operating time .
And let me tell you .... time flies when you literally walk and talk with a friend ... before you know it both walk a mile or two or more .
It feels good and is connected with a friend and the world around you.
Get your dog used to .
If you have a dog , then you already have a good candidate for a couple to walk every day.
If you normally just let the dog outside in your yard for daily exercise, then start walking together.
Chances are that your dog would be much better walk around the neighborhood with you, and enthusiastically reminded daily time walking rolls .
Having a purpose .
Why do you walk ? What do you strive for ? To lose weight ? To improve your health?
Having a purpose can be an important part of their dedication to their walking program.
When you have a goal , like walking in a charity event or just be able to walk a certain distance in a certain time , it will be less likely to skip a single workout .
Keep track of your work.
Keeping track of your foot can be a great reminder of its past success and dedication, so their desire to continue this success will be a powerful motivator to find the time to walk every day.
Keeping track of your activity is easy with a pedometer or Fitbit . Even if you are not facing appliance person, you can keep track of their standing in a small notebook or log in to your wall calendar ( and then you can look back on the week and see what a great person with whom the adjustment are healthy !)
In short ... 

I hope you try one or more of these strategies to help keep yourself on your walking program.
Just do not give up. Keep trying new things. The key is finding what works best for you ... then do it !
The benefits of walking are immense .

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