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Training routine weight loss for obese people

Obesity is a global epidemic that is seen in over 400 million people, many of which are located in the United States due to the lack of full body workout . Training The figure is already annoying, but its effects on human health are even more worrying . Diseases and complications often lead to reduced life while social discrimination and preference make the most painful and depressing state. Training

As advocates of fitness and the government want to quickly change the situation of millions of Americans , the problem is that quick weight loss is not really the ideal way to achieve this goal . people
Obesity makes workouts more difficult and dangerous gym, to some extent, because this condition results in lower respiratory and cardiac system decreased resistance , and bones and joints more susceptible to breakage and fractures. people
To avoid complications, progressive training is required. More importantly , all obese people should consult a physician before beginning any weight loss workout and strengthening workout.
Here are some worthy entries for obese : people
1) Update pushups Training
Most of the time, modified push-ups are the only option , as do many pushups is not your weight. This can be done , first, pushing against a wall at least two repetitions per day. Increase the number of push-ups with 10 and / or adding a trial week. When you feel your arms are already strong , you can go to level 2 modified push-up.
Level 2 refers to an inclined thrusts made ​​by a table, a chair rail or stable position. Depending on your strength, you can go to a much harder workout. people
Your weight is normalized , regular floor push-ups will not be a problem. Whatever type of pushups you do, make sure your body is placed on the right and your stomach pulled in.
2) Aerobics
Aerobics is an excellent way to improve your endurance and strengthen your lungs. The ideal aerobic activity at least five hours a week or 45 minutes per day. The best is that each morning to steady your metabolism throughout the day .
To increase the level of exercise routine to lose weight , you can use ankle weights or having a pair of dumbbells , which makes it heavier as you go . Another way to increase the intensity is to use the faster music each week . people
For the more advanced aerobic training , aerobics is the most beneficial . The resistance of the water makes it harder every move , therefore , burn more fat . This activity also strengthens muscles and improves lung capacity when done up to the neck , all without straining your joints through natural buoyancy. people
3) treadmill
If you can support your weight without getting hurt , running is the most desirable cardiovascular activity. 15 minutes a day is good , but increased to 30 minutes will be more beneficial. If this is not possible, walk for 30 minutes to an hour (or more if you can support your weight ) will give you the same benefits.
Running will burn more fat , especially when you're heavier. Fitness experts called for obese people are cardio - strength due to resistance training performed by the excessive weight itself. 
However, this is not recommended because it can damage the joints . weight loss
However, as your strength improves and your weight is lighter , you can increase the time on the treadmill and increase the speed . If you do not have a treadmill , walking speed is a good replacement .
4) Press the chest area
weight loss
Take two dumbbells you're lying on the floor and push up to 20 times . Rest briefly , ideal for just 30 seconds , and repeat another representative for at least five repetitions. This is a good daily exercise routine to not put pressure on parts of your upper and lower body .

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